Friday, May 07, 2010

The Big Brew

I took part in a live brief with a company called Traidcraft, based in Gateshead. Traidcraft are committed to making trade fair in the world, and create and sell a wide range of products. They also work with the producers in a umber of different countries, and help the communities they like in too.

In a group, we were to create a concept for The Big Brew, an event for people to host their own tea party and to raise the awareness of fair trade tea. We came up with the idea of clean organic shapes, which all grow from The Big Brew logo, which we also created.

My part of the project was to create a large format poster (top image), briefly explaining what The Big Brew is, and where to get more information, and also two smaller posters to be used when people hold a Big Brew event.

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